Academic Search Premier
A good source for journal articles, many full-text, in all disciplines.
America: History and Life 1954 -
US and Canadian history.
Ethnic Newswatch 1985 -
Articles from the ethnic and minority press.
Historical Abstracts
World History from 1450 to the present, excluding the U.S. and Canada.
Baltimore Afro-American, 1893-1988 Full text of the Afro-American and Afro-American Ledger (1893 – 1988).
Black Drama: 1850 - present Full text of 502 plays by 125 playwrights, together with information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more.
Black Thought and Culture Contains 438 works of non-fiction written by 192 leading African Americans from colonial times to 1975.
Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective Full text of major articles from issues of The New York Herald, The Charleston Mercury and the Richmond Enquirer, published between November 1, 1860 and April 15, 1865.
Historical Newspapers (New York Times) Full text of The New York Times (1851-1999).
In the First Person: Index to Letters, Diaries, Oral Histories, and Other Personal Narratives. an index to letters, diaries, oral histories, memoirs, and autobiographies within scholarly materials.
Readers’ Guide Retrospective An index of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States, 1890 through 1982.
The Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture is the largest African-American museum on the east coast.
The museum's Resource Center is a repository of books, papers, oral history and educational resources on the African American experience of Maryland. The center offers computers for historical research and is building a growing library of reference materials including the William C.S. Adams Collection featuring titles in the history of Maryland, the Upper South and genealogy.
Goucher College Library, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21204 • 410-337-6360 • © 2013-2017 •
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