Sponsored by Live Baltimore Marketing Center, a program of the Baltimore citizens Planning and Housing Association provides brief narrative profile of a neighborhood giving location, history and a map of the area.
Includes neighborhood demographic profiles from 2000 Census data for each of Baltimore's Neighborhood Statistical Areas. There are also maps that illustrate particular variables.
Provides statistics on 55 Baltimore Communities - clusters of Baltimore Neighborhoods created along census tracts. Neighborhood profile information is also included.
There are many ways to access Census of Population and Housing data. With most of these sources you can extract data for Baltimore. With some of the sources, such as American FactFinder, you can extract data down to the census tract level and smaller.
The Maryland State Data Center, an official partner with the U.S. Census Bureau, monitors development trends, analyzes social, economic and other characteristics and prepares population, housing, employment, labor force, and income projections, which provide the baseline for planning for growth and development in the State.