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Faculty Resources


Course reserves are physical materials, textbooks, or supplemental readings instructors have requested the library put aside for students who are enrolled in a particular course. 

*Any physical material owned by the library or faculty / instructor can be put on reserve, including:

  • books
  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • other media

Personally reproduced items (off-air recordings, CDs that have been burned, etc.) will be considered on a case-by-case basis to assure copyright compliance.

Instructors can choose a 2 or 4 hour loan period; or 1, 3, or 5 days. We recommend:

  • 2 hours for readings

  • 4 hours for CDs or DVDs

There is no time restriction for course materials on reserve. An item can stay on reserve for as long at the instructor requests. The library may consider purchasing a copy of a faculty-owned material for the library if the material is to be used for multiple semesters.

Reserve materials are held at the Information Service Desk on the third floor of the library in the Learning Commons. 
Please allow up to three business days to process your reserves requests.

Note to Instructors: Course Reserves are NOT the same as the Textbook Collection. The library does not automatically place course materials on reserves or in our Textbook collection. We rely on you, the instructor, to initiate such requests. 

*What cannot be put on reserve? Inter-library loan (ILL) materials cannot be put on reserve. It is against copyright policy.

Goucher College Library, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21204 • 410-337-6360 • © 2013-2017 • Creative Commons License
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