Demographic data collected annually by the Census Bureau from communities around the country. Its goal is to provide accurate, up to date information about jobs, education, and housing in between census years.
American FactFinder2 is a user-driven interface to 2010 and 2000 Census data and maps. There are links to the 1990 data in an FTP format. For other Census needs contact the Social Sciences and Area Studies Desk (3rd floor Bird Library)
Sections for people, business, geography, census news. Provides many paths to data, background, methodology, questions used, 2000 release schedules, and much more. Select American FactFinder (above) for custom tables and maps. For any other census needs, contact Social Sciences & Area Studies desk (3rd fl. Bird Library)
Provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2010. USERS MUST CREATE THEIR OWN USER NAME AND PASSWORD.
Demographic data collected annually by the Census Bureau from communities around the country. Its goal is to provide accurate, up to date information about jobs, education, and housing in between census years.
Compiles and summarizes statistical information from federal agencies including the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Reports through 2012.