There are several freely available sources that attempt to asses the scholarly impact of individual journals. The value of these metrics can be controversial, so be sure that your evaluating committee considers a measure valid before using it.
Google Scholar Metrics
Evaluates journals based on analysis of the last five years of articles. Excludes journals with less than 100 articles during the five-year period, as well as journals with no citations.
A journal ranking service covering the natural and social sciences.
Journal Quality List from
Ranking of journals in the areas of economics, finance, accounting, management, and marketing.
As you prepare materials to support an application for promotion or tenure, you may want to determine which articles have cited work that you have written, and where those articles have been published. This function is called citation indexing, and it exists in several resources available to Goucher faculty.
Google Scholar: One of the most useful citation indexing tool available to us. With Google Scholar, you can not only keep track of who is citing your publications, you can graph citations over time, compute other citation metrics, and (the ultimate ego boost) you can make your profile public, so that anyone who searches under your name will see it. Click here for information on citation indexing in Google Scholar
JSTOR: JSTOR also makes citation indexing available, through a link to Google Scholar. While viewing an article in JSTOR, look for the link called "Items Citing this Item" under the heading "Google Scholar."
ScienceDirect: While viewing an article in ScienceDirect, look for the box headed "Cited by." Click on the "View details ..." link at the bottom of the box for a complete list of citing articles. Alternatively, you may enter your (or any author's) name in the search box, then select "References" from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box. This will yield all articles citing any work by that author. Note, however, that you may have to narrow the search using other terms to avoid retrieving articles citing other authors with the same name.
Ebsco Databases: Some (not all) of the Ebsco databases provide limited citation indexing. They are Academic Search Premier, Business Search Premier, SocINDEX with Full Text, and PsycINFO. Look for the link that says "Times Cited in this Database." If available, it will appear after the entry for the article on the results screen, and also on the detailed information screen for the article. Note that clicking this link will only yield citing articles that are available in the same database, and that the link is only reliably available for articles published from the early 2000s on. (The database editors are working on adding this feature for articles from previous years.)
MathSciNet:From the main search screen, select the "Citations" tab. From the resulting screen, select the "Authors" tab. This will allow you to search for all the articles citing your (or any other author's) work. The result screen will initially show the ten most cited works. Clicking "See All" at the bottom of the screen will show everything. Click "Understanding the MR Citation Database" at the bottom of the results screen for limitations of coverage.
PubMed: While viewing the information for an article in PubMed, look for a box on the right of the screen labeled "Cited by [number] PubMed Central articles." The links in this box will take you to information for those citing articles.
Links to the databases mentioned above:
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